Monday, August 10, 2020

How to choose material for bathroom partitions?

If you are going through a much-needed facility renovation, designing a new bathroom space for your business, or if you are planning out a brand new facility, it crucial to choose the right bathroom partition materials. The right plastic bathroom partitions will ensure safety and security for the occupants.

If so, you have got a lot of things to consider when it comes to replacing or installing toilet partitions. There is a list of materials used with a lot of design options that can be suitable for the job. But when it comes to finding the best material, people prefer plastic. However, if you end up choosing other materials, you may have to replace them sooner than later.

Though, there are several factors that need to be considered when deciding on the type of bathroom partitions you should install. Here is a list of few of them:

  • Consider the place, is it an office, gym, school or something else?
  • The type of building you are operating in or where the restroom is going to be.
  • How frequently will it be used?
  • What’s the main concern? Durability? Or are you more interested in a sophisticated feel?
  • How much wear and tear will the place be subjected to?
  • And the budget you have decided to spend.

These are all the things you should definitely consider when deciding, but the most important thing that might not have crossed your mind is: what material to choose to build bathroom partitions?

It goes without saying that, not all the partitions used in bathroom partitions are the same. In most cases, bathroom partitions are made from plastic laminates that may appear to be suitable material at first but come with drawbacks too. The bathroom interiors are always subjected to constant exposure to moisture and humidity which can cause the plastic laminates to get rotted as they are not resistant to scratches, dents and exposure to humidity and with constant wear and tear these materials start to sprout mold increasing the risk of collapsing and even increase risk of damaging other interiors. Moreover, the mold can take over your other interiors which would result in replacing other materials immediately, because it will largely affect the air quality and also lead to respiratory issues for the occupants using bathrooms.

Why do people go for solid plastic or HDPE as bathroom partitions?

Apart from plastic laminate, solid plastic is the material used to level up the durability, functionality and is probably an inch thick. Partitions made from solid plastic is completely made from solid panels of the polymer plastic which are known for being extremely resistant and durable to any wear and tear, they have high resistance to anything that can damage them, unlike plastic laminates or any other material, from mold, moisture, common cleaner, rust and what not.

One of the main reasons that users go for HDPE over traditional plastic is that it has a solid body construction, that is these partitions are durable. They can withstand any kind of environment- dry, wet, hot or cold; bask in the humidity and moisture without the threat of mold growth. Moreover, these help in keeping the air quality in bathrooms safe and clean because the materials stand up to heat, moisture, and mold.

Another major benefit of using HDPE over other plastic is that it does not need a costly replacement or regular maintenance now and then. That means the HDPE plastic partitions have relatively low maintenance. It doesn’t need to be repainted or any replacement of parts, if it is dirty with marks or graffiti that can be just wiped or cleaned away with the help of a cloth.