Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Why the Semiconductor Industry Needs Precision Plastic Machining

Semi-conductors are those materials that have an electrical conductivity value falling between a conductor and an insulator. With an increase in temperature, its resistivity falls while for metals the case is opposite. Semi conductors can be used in different ways by molding their conducting properties. This is done through the process of 'doping', wherein some impurity is intentionally added to the crystal structure. Two differently doped regions in the same crystal create a semi-conductor junction and the behavior of ions, electrons and electron holes which are the carriers of charge is the basis on which diodes, transistors and most modern electronics work.

A few examples of semiconductors are- silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide, and elements near the "metalloid-staircase" on the periodic table. Silicon is a crucial element used in fabricating most electronic circuits. Gallium-arsenide is the second most common semiconductor. It's used in laser diodes, solar cells, microwave-frequency integrated circuits, etc.

Precision Machining and challenges-

In this process, all the excess raw material is removed from a work-piece. Attention has to be paid to achieving close finish in a finished product. Larger pieces are modified and shaped into smaller and more accurate ones, to meet specific and exact requirements. Cutting, turning, milling and electrical discharge treatment is used to achieve the desired results. This process requires technical expertise and a skilled eye to supervise the process closely. Precision Machining is done using Computer Numerical Control (CNC) equipment.

Precision machining produces most of the objects that we use in our daily lives. Even the smallest objects require a certain level of a machinist’s skills. Similarly, a worn-down tool or equipment also requires calibration, welding, or grooving at the hands of a precision machinist. From automobile manufacture to surgical devices or aircraft parts, precision machining is involved in almost all current technology and industry.

What is semi-conductor plastic and why does the semi-conductor industry need precision plastic machining?

In the semiconductor industry, precision is most crucial which entails maintaining a high level of purity in the production environment. Cleanliness of the equipment used to machine these microscopic products is essential. The tools used in the process need to withstand harsh chemical conditions and extreme levels of heat. With such requirements, there are limited choices of raw material and the most suitable for such uses is plastic. There are several varieties of semiconductor plastic that can be used in the semiconductor industry. The most popular options for semiconductor plastic are briefly discussed-


High Density Polyethylene: Sheets made from HDPE are commonly used due to their significant strength and resistance to acids and other contaminants like mildew and mold. In order to meet the huge demands of the semiconductor industry, HDPE is a popular choice as it meets the quality and purity standards needed. Its highly malleable and versatile.


Its one of the strongest plastics available. It has a huge demand in the semiconductor industry and is used in making device test sockets and piping components like valves, tubing and filtration elements. It resists electric shocks and is used in dampening static electricity, which is essential in the semi-conductor industry.


This is a highly resistant plastic and can resist acid and chemical impact. This is a more economical option and due to this it is a quite viable option. It is used in making wet benches and work stations, plastic semiconductors, integrated circuit chip parts and electrical insulators.

Semiconductor precision machining requires great accuracy and precision. It's a complicated and challenging task to repetitively produce parts with accurate geometry, tight tolerances, perfect finishes and optical clarity. Fulfilling all these requirements on an everyday basis needs high-performance machines and tools made with a suitable raw material. This is why the semi-conductor industry can greatly benefit by maximizing the use of semiconductor plastics and generate high profits in a cost-efficient and sustainable manner.